Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Post 3: The New Batch

Welcome back to day three of the Blog-a-day competition. Today I believe I am going to blog about upcoming comedies. This summer promises to bring the house down with some highly anticipated comedies. Many of the biggest names in comedy are coming out with some type of project this summer. Since there are so many coming out I will probably dedicate a couple of days to the upcoming comedy season. For a great listing of upcoming comedies please check out this link provided by Adam I will speak about a few of these today.

First I would like to say that I love movies not only because of their entertainment value but how they influence how we can connect to the people around us. Liking particular movies gives people insight into how we behave or think about the world. We each like particular movies because we are drawn to certain aspects of either the story or the characters or the visuals or just the car the main character drives. The explanation of why we like certain movies can help people understand where we are coming from and give people a brief glimpse into our underlying nature.

I believe that awesome comedies are one of the great equalizers in film. Awesome comedies are loved by the majority of the population and even if you hate the movie, you have seen it because most people found it awesome and made you watch it several times telling you how awesome it was. All of this brings us closer together. While you will dread watching Old School for the 500th time because all your friends think it is the best thing since fire was discovered you will also be connected with the people that care about you enough to ensure that you watch the greatest film of all time so you don't miss out. This is probably true of any great film but I have seen it happen most with comedies because they usually offer more to a wider variety of people.

Hangover Part 2

This movie is the most anticipated comedy of the summer. And with good reason. The Hangover was hilarious. It was so over the top absurd that I could not stop laughing. I am worried that Hollywood just pushed out a load of crap to capture the audience from the first one but from the looks of this preview and the things I have read this seems like it will deliver more over the top hilarity. Zack Galifianakis, Ed Helms and Bradley Cooper all play off of each other very well and considering it is set in Thailand there will be plenty I am sure will not make it into theaters. I'm expecting an extended Blue Ray/DVD after a hugely successful run in theaters.

Bridesmaids (Red Band Trailer)

This movie has a lot of buzz going and there are some high expectations for it. I will say that I am not personally excited about it. It does have 2 of the funniest women in recent SNL history (which isn't saying much as SNL has not been great for quite a while) and it does have Judd Apatow as a producer who has had several ups (Superbad, Pineapple Express) and downs (Year One, Drillbit Taylor). The storyline seems much like The Hangover for women and it centers on being a bridesmaid which is not something I ever plan to do. I am sure I will watch this movie at some point but I doubt I will be heading to the theater to do so. The really good thing about this movie if it does well is that it will open more avenues for really funny women to get into the big time summer comedy game. This time is consistently dominated by men's ideas and a lot of high school/frat boy humor (not that I don't enjoy that) and it would be nice to see some diversity in terms of what comes out of Hollywood this time of year.

Everything Must Go

Will Ferrel is hilarious. Sometimes he is awkward (see when he was on Conan this past Monday), most of the time he is over the top and while I feel that most of his movies are polarizing he never really plays the exact same character twice. My personal favorite Will Ferrel movie is Stranger than Fiction with a close second being Elf. This movie leans more towards the Stranger than Fiction realm and he delivers some pretty memorable lines here. It's more of a "dramedy" than comedy but I'm sure I will laugh nonetheless.

Well I think that's all I'm previewing today. Tomorrow I'll check out a few more upcoming comedies and bring you a list of my favorite comedies ever. Please feel free to post your opinions of any of the movies I've listed or ask for my opinions on anything else coming up.

Also I'm planning on watching at least one movie at the theater this weekend. If you have any suggestions on which one it should be let me know. (Currently leaning towards Thor) One post will be a review of whatever I see.

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