Monday, May 2, 2011

First Post

I'm pretty excited to be part of the Blog-A-Day in May contest that was started a couple of years ago. It is a simple premise; to blog once a day for an entire month. It seems easy but I'm sure the execution will be far from simple.

I don't know anything about blogging. I do however know that I love movies. Over the next few weeks I hope to share my interest in movies with the rest of the world or at least the people that read this blog.

Movies are awesome. They have the potential to be as beautiful as any painting, thought provoking as any book, and as world changing as any figure from history. They also have the potential to be enormous wastes of resources, confusing messes that few people understand, and vehicles to perpetuate terrible ideas and/or people. (There is usually a lot more of the latter)

Many people think that every movie is either good or bad, they liked it or they didn't. This is true for most people and most of the time it is true for me as well. Movies though, all have their own intricacies, they are good for many reasons and they are bad for many reasons and all of these reasons are subjective. In this blog I will be sharing my subjective views on movies I have seen and movies I hope to see. You may come to understand what movies I like and you may not but I do hope that we can actually engage in some interesting discussions either way.

Just to give everyone an idea of where I'm coming from, here is my current top ten list of Favorite movies:

1. Pulp Fiction
2. Boondock Saints
3. The Legend of 1900
4. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
5. Pan's Labyrinth
6. Punch-Drunk, Love
7. Love Actually
8. The Black Dahlia
9. The Wizard of Oz
10. Mary Poppins

I say this is my current list because it changes. #1-6 are pretty much on every one of my top ten lists but 7-10 change often. I like a wide variety of movies and it is difficult to nail down 10 movies that I would say are the best.

Now in the future I hope to type up some reviews of movies but for today I just want to post some previews of movies I am most looking forward to as the summer progresses. Most of these I am sure won't appeal to everyone and will probably land nowhere near my top ten list but they should all be interesting to watch.

Thor is the first one. I'm hopeful this will be good along with the new Captain America movie coming out soon. Ironman set the bar pretty high though and I've always thought Thor was a little odd as a comic book character so we'll see how it goes. Chris Hemsworth definitely looks the part though.

The Second movie is The Beaver. No not the 1950s sitcom. A movie with Mel Gibson as a crazy person. No not the news. This guy uses a stuffed beaver to talk for him in order to get his life back. (insert female genitalia joke here (you know you thought it)) It actually looks pretty interesting and Mel Gibson is a pretty good actor no matter what you think of his philosophy on Jews.

Priest looks like your run of the mill action movie about things that go bump in the night. I'm pretty excited because I do like Paul Bettany as an actor. I felt that he and Dennis Quaid were the only redeeming qualities of Legion. There appears to be some awesome fighting sequences in this movie and the look and feel overall seems well thought out.

Hesher stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt (the guy from 3rd Rock from the Sun and Inception), Natalie Portman and Rainn Wilson. I'd watch it just because the cast seems so weird together. I also want to watch it because when Joseph Gordon-Levitt was on Conan last week he was talking about the awesome soundtrack and how Metallica let them use a lot of their music. I don't know if it's good Metallica or not but I've watched plenty of movies for much weaker reasons than a solid cast and soundtrack.

Of these I'm probably most excited about the last two but I will probably watch all 4 of them at some point. We will see how it goes though.

That's all I got for today...come back tomorrow for more movie talk and please feel free to comment on anything that I have posted so far.

Have Fun!


  1. Hey also if anyone has any movies that they would like to see me review or get my thoughts on please feel free to suggest those.

  2. I have a comment about comic book movies. How come they never win Oscars? I know everyone basically knows the storyline and all, but it's a popular genre. I have to say I've been impressed with the new Batman movies. I'm not too familiar with the Dark Knight series in the DC Universe, but it's pretty dark compared to other movies. Punisher War Zone? Yes, that was really bloody movie, but the plot wasn't that interesting. I actually like the one where Thomas Jane plays Punisher, but the storyline was slightly changed.

    It seems these days comic movies are made for the modern audiences or as Marvel's the Ultimate series in comics. I thought Spiderman was done real well. I'd say it's a toss up between 1 and 2. But now it's being turned into a kiddie's movie? Come on. Must be Disney's fault right?

    Anyways, good luck Aaron and I hope you win this contest.

    Good comic book movies I like:
    Batman: Dark Knight
    Hellboy 1 and 2
    Spiderman 1 and 2
    The Road to Perdition (might be graphic novel, I forget)
    Hulk (Edward Norton as Hulk)

  3. Just found a good look at some upcoming movies that you could write about:

  4. @Kevin There is more potential now than ever for a comic book movie to win an Oscar. They are becoming more and more accepted as legitimate films. However until they focus more on story and character development I don't see one ever winning one for best picture. Filmmakers of comic book movies feel they have to go a certain direction and usually that direction is towards the lowest common denominator which doesn't win Oscars. But improvements are being made, and considering that Heath Ledger won for his portrayal of The Joker there is opportunity for this to happen.
